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I got the scooter back from the painters. It looks great. The lighting in the basement doesn't do it justice, so I'll post some better pics of it when I can get access to a larger shooting area. In the meantime, I am about finished with the floor rails. The two sides are done. Now I am just waiting to get the screws back from the platers to finish the middle. Overall, it wasn't too bad of a job. Just takes some time and patience.
I will be putting in an order today for a new seat cover to replace this sad thing. I emailed these folks pictures for an estimate, but never heard back, so I'll try replacing this myself.
Pirate Upholstery
Here is another example of a polished axle cover using the Eastwood Polisher. The same four step method was used on this piece as listed below.
Eastwood Polisher
please click on a sponsor link. Payday for scooter parts.